All posts by conorosl


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Egg-timer Business Studies Courses

Egg-timer Business Studies Review: Great lecturer, very structured and well presented material, extremely helpful in preparing for exams -Elvira

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Egg-timer Economics Courses

Egg-timer Economics Review: Came across this while searching for a course in economics. It lists short video lectures that I viewed one after the other. The lectures are clearly articulated and were easy to go

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Cinema, Theater and Depression Courses

Cinema, Theater and Depression Review: Depression is a major problem in today’s stressed society, in particular among the young as social media allows instant comparisons, instant friendships – and instant ostracisation. This series of lectures shows how

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Coping with Old Age Courses

Coping with Old Age Review: Authentic and interesting. Also unique as the presenter refers to his own films. Peter (presenter) was 80 at the time of filming so, at times, the delivery was a little slow. BUT

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Prevent a stroke Courses

Prevent a stroke Review:  A life-saving course that should be watched by everyone. A sound well-being achieved through simple, essential lifestyle changes that you could make that are explained in the class, not only will cut

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