[heading style=”elegant”] Retreats Playwriting Competition [/heading]
[heading style=””] The Brief [/heading]
We are seeking one outstanding 10 minute play to be put on in Oxford in January 2014. The play must be no more than 10 minutes long and require no more than three actors.
The theme of the competition is ‘Retreats’.
The play must be submitted by paying the £2 admission fee at this link. Once you have paid, you will receive an email from us confirming payment has been received. Simply reply to this email with your play as an attachment.
CLOSING DATE: 10th November 2013.
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[heading style=””] The Prize [/heading]
The winning play and the runner-up will be performed at The Burton Taylor Studio in January 2014.
We are an unusual theatre company – have a look round our site:
[heading style=””] Competition Rules & Regulations [/heading]
1. Applications for the ART writing contest are open as from 22nd of August 2013.
2. The closing date for entries is 10th November 2013.
3. All entries must be by email to plays@almostrandomtheatre.co.uk
4. Entries must be in a Word document
5. There is a reading fee of £2. This is to be paid by clicking the Enter button above
6. If the reading fee is not paid, the applicant will be immediately removed from the competition, no exceptions.
7. The contest is open to everyone, except those listed on the About Us page: http://www.almostrandomtheatre.co.uk/about-us/
8. One entry per playwright is permitted.
9. Plays are to be written by a single playwright, excluding partnerships or committees.
10. Plays entered must be submitted in English. Musicals and dance pieces are not eligible
11. All plays must have a reading time of 10 minutes or less. This will be strictly enforced. If a Reader reads through the play and in the opinion of the Reader, the play is longer than 10 minutes then the play is sent to a second Reader. If this Reader also thinks the play exceeds 10 minutes then the play will be rejected.
12. All plays are judged blindly by ART staff. The playwright’s name must not be written on the title page or anywhere within the play. Instead, please include a separate page with the title of the play, playwright and contact phone number
13. All scripts must have pagination and be formatted in such a way as to be readable.
14. The play must not have been staged, read through in public or been published before.
15. We can only accommodate very basic sound/lighting. No sets or ‘effects’. Our time will be extremely limited in regard to technical rehearsals so writers, please adhere to this.
16. Include a very short synopsis of the play and a brief writer’s bio.
17. If on the advice of the readers, the quality of entries is too low to produce worthy prize winners, or any other legitimate reasons beyond our control arise which may affect a fair completion or conduct of the competition, we reserve the right to cancel the competition and refund all entry fees immediately by the same method we have been paid.
18. In terms of the performing of the winner and runner-up, if owing to difficulty in enrolling reliable actors, the show is cancelled this will not affect the award of the other prizes.
[heading style=””] Prizes and Notification [/heading]
1. A panel of jurors will judge the plays.
2. Plays will be anonymous.
3. First place prize is being offered by Writers Retreat. Their website is: http://www.writersretreat.co.uk/
The prize will be a week at the Writers Retreat in Andalucia. Guests will have their own room, bathroom and writing terrace and they will share the kitchen and lounge with one other writer. The retreat accommodation is self-catering, and the prize winner will have to provide their own meals and pay for flights and transportation to the retreat and insurance. The prize winner must book the accommodation within 6 months of winning and can make a booking for the period October 2013-February 2014, subject to availability. The retreat is in a remote village in the mountains and is not suitable for anyone with health needs, mobility problems or other special needs.
4. The winning play and the runner-up will be performed in Oxford in January 2014. The writers will be sent two tickets to the play.
5. There will be no feedback from the judges.